The benefits of a good education don’t just involve learning but understanding it. But intellectual intelligence is developed and matured through putting into practice what you have learned. By attending school, college and even university, you are able to develop study skills that make you more employable both in the world of industry and in the House of God. But growth in spiritual maturity you need to learn the knowledge that comes directly from the word of God, seek understanding and then apply it. The application of the word of God is the only way that transformation of your character and behaviour can take place, in accordance with Romans 12:2.can take place.

Whenever you are completing mathematical equations, you are applying your ability to solve problems, while also proving that you can work systematically and numerically. As you type up your historical essay, the gift you have to use computers also proves that you would be an asset to any workplace or in the right team. Finally, as you’re applying the word of God in practice, the effective working of the spiritual will show forth signs which will allow you. You will communicate your knowledge of God s word more effectively as you have not only learned it, but it becomes part of your experience. Talking to others about God becomes easy and more fluent. Your confidence in stating who you are will blossom and you will discuss the word of God learned critics, but will not flinch at their inquisition because you have experiential and revelatory knowledge over them! It will enable you to conduct public speaking or facilitate workshops in confidence and with impact. All of these are God given skills that we see utilised throughout the scriptures.

Attending bible study and bible discussions are essential for you as children and young people if you are to grow. It can seem that there isn’t much point to some subjects you have to learn in life, but not only does a good mainstream education give you a well-rounded understanding of the world, but Bible study prepares you for life as a child of God and life in the world. It prepares you for future life and adulthood.

So essential is your education in the church, that Christian theology and Christian life education should be deliberately structured to enable you to engage and participate in the life and activities of your church. It should enable you to understand how to rightly balance yourself as Christians in this world, alongside the overwhelming deluge of knowledge that is too readily available through school, home, the streets, technology and digital media.

The necessity for you to seek knowledge from God cannot be underestimated or overlooked, Ecclesiastes 12:1 instructs you to remember your creator when you are young. Otherwise you will waste time, energy and the skills that God has placed in you. God has placed energy and excitement in you for you to project that into your church! Don’t you know that you are a stimulant to your elders. You bring new life, and ideas to the delivery of the undiluted truth of Gods’ word. As BCYM members, we want you to be seen and heard in the house of God. You too need to live a life that is worthy. This year the introduction of The V Project will be coming to your assembly. Please engage with the programme. Do the learning. Gain the understanding. Apply what you learn to your life. The give feedback to the Youth Page. So we can share with others how God is moving in your life..

1 Timothy 4:12 (NIV). Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.
The programme is intended to educate you in the knowledge and understanding of God in your life and so create the atmosphere for there to be an outpouring of the spirit amongst you as children and the youths across the churches. The department has spanned 50 years and we intend by the grace of God for it to rain profusely, in the next 50 years…..

This can be done with your active involvement. Look out for The V project coming to your church very soon.

BCYM Youth President & Director of Youth Ministries